"22 Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah.
23 After many days had gone by, there was a conspiracy among the Jews to kill him, 24 but Saul learned of their plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city gates in order to kill him. 25 But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall."
Many years ago I heard a speaker talking about the story of Paul having to flee Dam
ascus when the Jews wanted to kill him. Paul had just become a follower of Christ and was speaking out about his new beliefs. There were those that got angry with Paul and wanted to kill him. However, Paul did have friends. These friends helped Paul escape Damascus by lowering him in a basket over the wall.

I have heard this story many times and ussually it was themed on the idea that when we speak out for Christ, people may not always like it but we must be bold in out faith. However, this particular speaker took it a different way. He said that no one can stand alone. Paul could not have escaped death in Damascus if he did not have friends that helped him. Someone had to hold the ropes of the basket in order for Paul to get over the wall.
SOMEONE HAD TO HOLD THE ROPES! Everyone who ministers for the sake of Christ has to have friends supporting them and holding them up in prayer for the ministry to succeed. WE HAVE TO HAVE ROPE HOLDERS.
One one stands alone. This is a statement that has taken on new meaning for me over the past 6 months. I can not believe that yesterday marked 6 months since I started at OMF. The time has flown. I still feel like I am figuring things out but it is getting easier. I have never had a job before that I loved or enjoyed like this one. It is such a blessing to be able to minister to people and work with those seeking GOD's direction for their own lives.
Yet, this postion is not without its hard monents or tiring days. I have been continueously reminded that GOD is my Encourager and Strength. He has blessed me with people to pray for me and stand with me in this ministry. Those that have committed to standing with me in prayer are so much a part of my ministry and I want to recognize that.
I have now committed to sending out regular prayer updates to those on my e-mail list. This will be separate from my Prayer Letters. It will include: Praise Items, Prayer Requests and Important Information. I will also include a link to each new blog post. I am going to try and keep my blog more up to date as well. I hope in this way, my wonderful prayer supporters will truly feel like they are apart of my ministry.
As I considered what to call these Prayer Updates I remembered a speaker I heard a number of years ago. So I am asking those that have committed to praying for me, my family and friends, to please be my ROPE HOLDERS.
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