We had a great time. There sure were a lot of people at camp. The theme was discipleship.

This time we did two sessions of games; one outdoor and one indoor. For the outdoor games we did three different games, a water carry (were you have to carry water in a spoon and fill a bucket), a relay race, and a water balloon balance (were you balance a water balloon on a wooden spoon). The 6 teams traveled between the stations. For the indoor games we had a "Minute to Win It" theme. We did some great games and the had an lot of laughs.
It was an amazing time of fellowship and worship.
During the Labour Day long weekend the plan was for my mom, sister and I were to head up north for the weekend. My parents are getting a new trailer next week so we needed to clear out the old one. As plans turned out, we emptied out the trailer on Saturday morning and headed back down to the city.
There was a tragic death on our church family and we felt that we really should be with the church and with my dad last weekend. It has been a very hard time for our church. Your prayers are appreciated.
So since we had already emptied the trailer and were now back in the city, we decided to go to Niagara-on-the-Lake for the Monday holiday. While we were there we went to find the Hudson Taylor Plaque. This is a plaque that was placed at the location where Hudson Taylor spoke at the Niagara Bible Conference. It was at these meeting that the China Inland Mission was started in North America. China Inland Mission later became OMF.
As you can see the week has had its ups and downs. My prayers are with the family facing the loss of their husband and father, with my church family loosing a friend and Christian Brother.
During our sessions at Family Church Camp, the speaker told us that we are to be disciples of Jesus Christ first and foremost. So I want to end this post with the following:
"I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ, skillfully disguised as a missionary."
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