Missionary to People Around the World from Right at Home!

Short Term Missions (Serve Asia) Administrator
• Connect with people who are interested in ministering to others
• Screen those interested in the ministry
• Help inquirers through the Process of Application and Preparation
• Encourage and Advise the workers while on the field
• Conduct Training and Debriefing (or ensure that it is conducted)
• Participate in Events in order to meet people
• (i.e.. Mission Conferences, Schools, churches)
- In March I will have the opportunity to go to Singapore for a conference and also to visit some of the fields (including the area where I will one day be working)
Thailand Ministry

Goal to Head Out: Mid 2013
During my first term (4 years) I will be:
• working to learn the Language and Culture.
• Serving as a Resident Adviser (RA) in the International School
• Reaching out to those in the Community
• Getting to know the ministry and the families of the Students
Thai Facts

Population: 68’139’238
Area: 513’115 sq km
Bordering Countries: Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia
Official Language: Thai (85 languages)
Religions: Buddhist – 85.32%
Christians – 1.10%
Evangelicals - 0.5%
Muslim is the second largest religion (mainly in the south)
Other Religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism
Preparing to Head Over seas
Partnership Development
• Striving to Build up a team of Prayer Supporters
• Continuing to communicate with my prayer supporters
• Searching for People and/or Places to share my vision
and ministry
• Praying for GOD’s direction as I prepare to go but am presently here
Praise and Prayer Requests
• I have been officially assigned to serve in North Thailand
• I am enjoying my present job and ministry
• I am able to continue with my ministry at my home church
• That my needs will be met, emotionally, spiritually and financially
• For positive feedback as I continue in Partnership Development
• To reach my goal of 25 prayer supporters by the end of 2011
• For strength as I start another Masters course
• For good health as I continue to be involved in my home church
• For strength as we head into the busy Christmas season
I will be posting another blog shortly.
Please also see my most recent Prayer letter attached on the right. If you are not sure if you are on my list to receive this letter and would like to, please let me know. Also let me know if you would like to receive it through mail or e-mail.
Thank you all for your prayers.