Monday, December 19, 2011

Looking Back

As it nears Christmas I take a look back on where the past year has taken me. There have been a lot of changes this year. A year ago I would never have suspected where I would end up. A year ago today, I was attending the “Lanterra” Christmas party (the Property Management Company I was working for). It was not a place I really wanted to be because there was a lot of drinking and I left early. I had thought that I might go into Property Management as a career since I seemed to be good at it. Yet the idea of counselling still stayed with me. I had gotten a B.Re. In Counselling and Christian Education from Emmanuel Bible College and had started my M.A. in Professional Counselling through Liberty University Online.

I had been e-mailing with Wayne Matthews (the Director of Mobilization for OMF) since the spring when I had talked to Elinore Reigler (one of the Missionaries I have gotten to know) at Missionfest in Toronto. I had also attended a Conference with OMF but at the time was really unsure if I was called to go to Asia. However, Wayne had arranged for me to meet with an OMF couple on home assignment and this was a lunch that would change my life and set me on a whole new adventure.

I met with Bill and Bonnie W. and they showed me a passion for Asia and for counselling on the mission field that I could believe in. I had dreamed of one day using my counselling on the mission field but every organization that I had previously talked to was not doing that type of ministry yet. I had put it on the back burner and thought it was not going to happen. Bill and Bonnie encouraged me to pursue that dream and see where it would lead. I decided to apply with OMF and see what GOD had in store for me.

This was not an easy year for my family though. Near the end of January my grandmother went into the hospital for a blood transfusion and nine weeks later she passed away, never leaving the hospital. This was very hard for all of us. I never got to tell her that I was accepted by OMF or that I was going to be a missionary. This was something she had always prayed for and believe would happen. I like to think that grandma got to watch as I was accepted.

I attended Candidate Course in June having very little clue as to where I would go. Some people know where they want to go but have no idea what they are called to do there. Others know what they are called to do but have no idea where they will do it. I definitely fell into the second category. I had a lot of counsel from my family and those at OMF before it was decided that I would be in Chaing Mai, Thailand for my first term, working with the dorms there. I would get to follow my dream after all of working with Third Culture Kids (TCKs).

Through all of this, however, I was struggling with my job. Things were not good in my company and no one was sure what would happen. There was a lot of anger and it did not feel like a safe or comfortable work environment. I had talked to those at Candidate Course about my situation and asked them to pray with me about a solution. After Candidate Course I continued to look for other work but nothing came up.

The last week of July I received an e-mail from Nancy Stephens (the Candidate Cordinator) concerning the position of Serve Asia Administrator at the OMF head office; that was on Monday. Serve Asia is OMF’s Short Term Missions Discipleship Program. I met with Richard and Kathy (the OMF National Director and his wife) on the Tuesday and on Thursday I turned in my two week notice at my job. I started at OMF on August 15th and I have had a blast working at the office. There is so much to learn and discover in this position and I am getting to meet so many interesting people. The people I work with, either at the office or the Serve Asia Workers, have a passion for missions and a desire to change the world. I feel so blessed that I get to be a small part of it.

There are many workers in varied stages of the application process and each of them has a different reason for desiring to serve God in this way and a different passion that drives them. Some are applying to do internships. They want to pursue their education but also gain some experience on how their profession is used in Asia or in missions. Others are seeking to know what God has for them in the future, possibly missions in a more permanent role. Others simply seek to serve God during breaks from work or school. All of them, however, love God and desire for His love to shine through them. I ask you to pray for each of them as they strive to serve God and do His will.

The hope and the plan is for me to head out to the field for the July Orientation Course in Singapore in 2013. With every passing day I grow more excited to see the country and the people I have already started to love. As I talk to people that have been there or are also serving in Thailand, I learn more things that just confirm to me that all of this is God’s plan and He arranged all of this for His glory. The long term goal is for me to join the Member Care team in Chaing Mai, Thailand in my second term and continue using the gifts and education that God has given me for His glory. I have dreamed of being able to do counselling right on the field where the people are. My prayer is that I will be a help to those on the field and an encouragement to those that need me.

Christmas brings with it a busy time for my work, my church and my family. The church where I attend, Peel International Baptist Church, has a deep love for Christmas. This means that there is always many events and parties to attend. Last weekend we held our annual Christmas Cantata, HOPE Is Born Emmanuel! Many visitors came and many good remarks were received. It is interesting to attend a church that is mostly from an different culture. Aspects of their Filipino background continue to shine through and this can make it hard at times to truly feel like you fit in. We love the church however, and ask that you keep them in your prayers as they strive to do the will of God. Please pray for my dad as well, that he would be able to keep up with the demands of being a single pastor church.

We recently hired a Youth Worker for the church. This has been both a good and interesting event this year. In many ways it has freed up my father to do other things. I know he does miss spending time with the youth. Both of my parents have started teaching bible studies and reaching out to others in the church in a very real and tangible way.

Courses are being finished up this week. Martha has joined me in the student world. She is now taking classes through Moody Online to get her Bible School hours in order to go into missions one day. Her interest lies with the marginalized. Those that the world has forgotten; those in the sex trade, orphans and those with disabilities. Please pray as she finishes up her course and gets ready to take the next in January. Please also pray for guidance as to her next step.

As Christmas approaches this year, I am newly reminded that God loves me and it is His plan for me that is greater than anything I could have imagined. He sent His Son for me because He loved me. My desire for the coming year and every year is to show His love through my life, where ever God places me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First Church Presentation

So this past Sunday I had the opportunity to do my very first church presentation at my home church. I think it went OK. I have decided to present it here as well...mainly because it introduces what I am doing now and will be doing in the future.


Missionary to People Around the World from Right at Home!

Short Term Missions (Serve Asia) Administrator

Connect with people who are interested in ministering to others

Screen those interested in the ministry

Help inquirers through the Process of Application and Preparation

Encourage and Advise the workers while on the field

Conduct Training and Debriefing (or ensure that it is conducted)

Participate in Events in order to meet people

(i.e.. Mission Conferences, Schools, churches)

  • In March I will have the opportunity to go to Singapore for a conference and also to visit some of the fields (including the area where I will one day be working)

Thailand Ministry

Goal to Head Out: Mid 2013


During my first term (4 years) I will be:

working to learn the Language and Culture.

Serving as a Resident Adviser (RA) in the International School

Reaching out to those in the Community

Getting to know the ministry and the families of the Students

Thai Facts

Population: 68’139’238

Area: 513’115 sq km

Bordering Countries: Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia

Official Language: Thai (85 languages)

Religions: Buddhist – 85.32%

Christians – 1.10%

Evangelicals - 0.5%

Muslim is the second largest religion (mainly in the south)

Other Religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism

Preparing to Head Over seas

Partnership Development

Striving to Build up a team of Prayer Supporters

Continuing to communicate with my prayer supporters

Searching for People and/or Places to share my vision

and ministry

Praying for GOD’s direction as I prepare to go but am presently here

Praise and Prayer Requests


I have been officially assigned to serve in North Thailand

I am enjoying my present job and ministry

I am able to continue with my ministry at my home church


That my needs will be met, emotionally, spiritually and financially

For positive feedback as I continue in Partnership Development

To reach my goal of 25 prayer supporters by the end of 2011

For strength as I start another Masters course

For good health as I continue to be involved in my home church

For strength as we head into the busy Christmas season

I will be posting another blog shortly.

Please also see my most recent Prayer letter attached on the right. If you are not sure if you are on my list to receive this letter and would like to, please let me know. Also let me know if you would like to receive it through mail or e-mail.

Thank you all for your prayers.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Exciting News and Busy Weekend

Well here we go!!!

The Lord has really been good to me the last few days… well really He has been good to me a lot longer than that but over the last few days I have seen His provision and love in such real ways.

Firstly, I have now OFFICIALLY been given Field Acceptance by the team in Thailand. This means that I can officially be an appointee to Thailand. Praise The LORD!!! I have now been so happy that I was bouncy for two days. This is such an answer to prayer. Literally, we had been in prayer the other day and we were praying for the appointees. I was asked if I had any requests as I was an appointee and it was brought up that I was still waiting for my field acceptance and medical clearance. When prayers were done I went back to my desk and there was an e-mail from the Candidate Coordinator saying that I had been granted Field Acceptance. Just like that!!! J Now I just need medical clearance which hopefully will be coming in the next couple of weeks.

Secondly, I have an Official Name tag for OMF - I know that does not seem like much but it made me feel good and made this all feel even more real. I am really doing this!

Third, I have my prayer cards!!! I always am amazed at how the little things can give you such a real sense of belonging and realness. I am a missionary. Go figure!!!

This is a dream I have been working toward for so long and now it is right here. Not just working at the National Office, which is pretty awesome and I love it. I am headed to Asia. I am really going.

I will be working on another prayer letter. If anyone would like to receive it please let me know. I can send it through mail or e-mail. I will also attach it here as well.

So that leads to the busy week ahead:

Saturday: Shopping at the Apple Factory (hopefully), Choir practice for the Christmas Cantata, Meeting for the Food Drive.

Sunday: CIBC Run for the Cure, Lunch with extended Family (also celebrating my Aunt and Uncles Anniversary), Mobilization Event at Tyndale

Monday: Mobilization Event at Tyndale.